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Categories: Other Islamic Widgets

Islamic Quote Collection Updated

All praise be to Allah. The recently released Daily Islamic Quote Widget has been so popular that until now, it hase been more than 1000 times installed. So as not to disappoint these many users, I have added more islamic quotes available for the widget. The initial release has access to about 60 english quotes from various islamic sources: al qur’an, hadith, sayings of the sahabah and salafus salih, and muslim scholars. With the update it has now about 200 islamic quotes that will be refreshed every day.

With this, I hope the widget will further serve to give muslims and others more wise inspiration and divine motivation from the selected quotes. Below is an excerpt of the quote collection that will be displayed by the widget.

Islamic Quotes Beginning with Letter A

  • “A bad attitude spoils a good deed just as vinegar spoils honey”
    “Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam)”
  • “A friend cannot be considered a friend until he is tested in three occasions: in time of need, behind your back, and after your death.”
    “Ali ibn abi Talib”
  • “A great many people proceed towards evils on account of receipt of blessings, many people are ruined by praise, and many a man is deceived by Allah’s protection (in concealing vices).”
    “Ibn Mas’ud”
  • “A person has done enough wrong in his life if he simply repeats everything he hears.”
  • “A person’s spiritual practice is only as good as that of his close friends; so consider well whom you befriend.”
  • “Abandon desire for this world, and God will love you. Abandon desire for others’ goods, and people will love you.”
    “Ibn Majah”
  • “Absorption in worldly affairs breeds darkness in the heart, and absorption in the affairs of the next world enkindles light in the heart”
    “Uthman ibn Affan”
  • “After obligatory rites, the action most beloved to God is delighting other Muslims.”
  • “All women are pearls of great value, but some of us have been deceived into doubting the value of our purity. Pearls are priceless and should be protected and guarded from unworthy eyes.”
  • “Allaah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs (for us).”
    “The Quran Aal ‘Imraan 3:171”
  • “Allah likes the deeds best which a worshiper can carry out constantly.”
  • “Allah the Exalted loves him who forgoes worldly life, the Angels love him who rejects the vices, and the Muslims love him who gives up greediness in respect of the Muslims.”
    “Uthman ibn Affan”
  • “Allah’s Generosity is connected to gratitude, and gratitude is linked to increase in His generosity. The generosity of Allah will not stop increasing unless the gratitude of the servant ceases”
    “Ali ibn Abu Talib”
  • “Amongst the signs of success at the end is the turning to God at the beginning.”
  • “Anas said: The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: ‘None of you Truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his father, his child and all the people.’ Some other reports add: ‘his life, his wealth and his family.'”
    “Al-Bukhari and Muslim”
  • “And be moderate (or show no arrogance) in your walking, and lower your voice.”
    “The Quran Luqmaan 31:19”
  • “And do good to your parents. If either of them or both of them reach old age with thee, say not to them, fie: nor chide them: and speak to them a generous word. And make thyself submissively gentle to them with compassion, and say, My Lord! Have mercy on them as they brought me up when I was little”
    “Al Qur’an – 17:23, 24”
  • “And fulfil promise, for the promise shall be questioned about”
    “Al Qur’an – 17: 34”
Habib bin Hilal

Habib bin Hilal is Editor in Chief of this blog and manager of the website: Alhabib - Coloring with Islam.

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