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  • Download Islamic Calendar 2014 in PDF! (68,962)
    [alert]You may be looking for: Islamic Calendar 2023 in PDF.[/alert] Alhamdulillah, the islamic calendar corresponding the gregorian calendar of 2014 is now available for download as PDF at Alhabib Web Service. As usual, you can view the calendar online or… <a href="" class="more-link">Continue Reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>
  • The Life Span of Muslim Ummah is 1500 Years. Is it True? (45,646)
    Several people have expressed the same question regarding the life-span of Muslim Ummah. They wanted to know whether it is true that the muslim ummah will only reach 1500 years of age [based on islamic calendar?]. Below is an answer… <a href="" class="more-link">Continue Reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>
  • Islamic Calendar 2010 Available for Download (19,490)
    In about two months from now, the islamic hijri year of 1430 will come to an end. Some of you may have wondered what would be the corresponding christian dates for islamic events of the year 1431 AH (anno hegira, after… <a href="" class="more-link">Continue Reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>

Kumpulan Berita Dunia Islam 15-January-2012

13 years ago

Berikut adalah kumpulan berita-berita terkait dengan kaum muslimin di dunia, baik berupa kegiatan, pendapat, kejadian, atau artikel. 'Berpolitik Itu Lebih…

Kumpulan Berita Dunia Islam 14-January-2012

13 years ago

Berikut adalah kumpulan berita-berita terkait dengan kaum muslimin di dunia, baik berupa kegiatan, pendapat, kejadian, atau artikel. Soetrisno Bachir: Berpolitik…

The story of Malik ibn Dinar

13 years ago

Below is an article we get from forum about a touching stroy of a muslim scholar. We should get…

Kumpulan Berita Dunia Islam 13-January-2012

13 years ago

Berikut adalah kumpulan berita-berita terkait dengan kaum muslimin di dunia, baik berupa kegiatan, pendapat, kejadian, atau artikel. Wanita Idaman Ikhwan…

Kumpulan Berita Dunia Islam 12-January-2012

13 years ago

Berikut adalah kumpulan berita-berita terkait dengan kaum muslimin di dunia, baik berupa kegiatan, pendapat, kejadian, atau artikel. Wanita Idaman Ikhwan…

Muharram 1433 AH Calendar Available as PDF

13 years ago

Muslims all over the world is entering the Islamic New Year 1433 at this time, either on 26 or 27…

Islamic Calendar 2012 Available for Download

13 years ago

Just a quick announcement. The PDFs of the islamic calendar for the year 2012 are available at Alhabib's main site.…

Eid ul Adha: Trial of Love of the Beloved Friend of Allah

13 years ago

Eid ul Adha has a very special meaning to muslims. It is not just days of celebration where animals are…

Download Shawal 1432 Hijra Monthly Calendar

13 years ago

Shawwal is the 10th month in islamic calendar. It comes after the fasting month of Ramadan. This year, Shawwal 1432…

Eid Wishes

13 years ago

Eid ul Fitr is coming soon. For you, there are a bunch of eid greeting cards available to send wishes…