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Categories: Islamic Calendar

Hilal (Crescent Moon) for Rajab 1434 H Has Been Sighted

Below is a summary of online reports about the sighting of the new crescent moon (hilal) for the islamic month of Rajab the year 1434 AH.

Many positive sightings were reported from the observation of the crescent in the evening of Saturday, 11 May 2013. Almost from every places on the world:


  • Nigeria
  1. Seen: ICOP member Dr. Sani Mustapha from kaduna City in kaduna State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye.
  •  South Africa
  1. Seen: ICOP member Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim from Cape Town City in Western Cape State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye.

Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim said: “Rajab Hilaal easily seen by naked-eye from my home in the Zeekoevlei Nature Reserve. approximately 40 km east of Cape Town.”

  • United Arab Emirates
  1. Seen: ICOP member Eng. Mohammad Odeh from Abu Dhabi City in Abu Dhabi State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging

Eng. Mohammad Odeh said: “This is a daylight observation. The crescent was not seen by telescope, but it was seen by CCD imaging. The TOD was 0.341 and the AOD was 0.194.”

This is a daylight observation. The crescent was not seen by telescope, but it was seen by CCD imaging. The TOD was 0.341 and the AOD was 0.194. This is a photo without any filter and with 50 stacked frames. Mohammad Odeh, UAE


  • Australia:
    1. Seen in Perth, Australia: Engr Manzoor A Mian (MCW member) from Melbourne, VIC reported: We were unable to sight crescent in Melbourne on 11/5/2013 Saturday evening as it was cloudy. However It was sighted in Perth . Thus the first day of Rajab in Australia will be on Sunday 12th May 2013 InshaaAllah.
    2. Seen in other areas: Dr. Shabbir Ahmed (MCW member) Imam of Rooty Hill Mosque Sydney, NSW reported: On Saturday, 11th May 2013, the Hilal of RAJAB 1434 has been sighted in Alice Spring, Darwin and Perth. Therefore, the Hilal Committee and Majlisul Ulama’ of Australia have declared that the month of RAJAB will commence as of Sunday, 12th May 2013.
  • India:
    1. Seen: Shahid Ali Farooqui (MCW member) from Amravati, India reported: Today 11th May 2013 at 19-07Hrs.(Indian st. time)the moon of Rajjab 1434 Hijri, was sighted at Amravati, Maharashtra, India. The horns of crescent were like 5 to 8 O’Clock on clock dial.
    2. Seen: M. Siddik Nadvi (MCW member) from Ahmedabad, Gujrat reported: Today Saturday May 11, 2013 = 29 Jumada-al-Sani. 1434, we tried to see the crescent of Rajab 1434 Hijri at our Institute JAMIA KANZUL ULOOM at 7.05 pm. The cresent was seen and Official announcement by Gujrat Chand Commitee is that the crecent is seen and 12th May is 1st Rajab 1434.
    3. Seen: Abdussubhan Dadan (MCW Member) from Mumbai reported: Today 11 May 2013 = 29 Jamadil Thani 1434 Hijri, After Namaze Magrib, I sighted the moon with my colloguesat at 7:25 pm. Moon was sighted all the across the city by many other people. Hilal Committee of Mumbai Jama Masjid has declared that there will be 1st of Rajab 1434 Hijri on Sunday the 12 May 2013. WASSALAM.
  • Malaysia:
    1. Seen: Mohamad Zafir Nadzri (MCW member) from Kuala Lumpur reported: Malaysia’s Unprofessional Group of Crescent Sighting sent two group today 11 May 2013, one to Sungai Lang (3°; 49’N, 100° 48’E) (Syed Fadlie, Khairul Samad, Syed Syafiq, Zaimy) another one to Alor Star (6°7’N 100°22’E) (Ahmad Zanif, Ashraf), and at Kuala Lumpur HQ by myself.
      Crescent first seen with naked eye around 19:45 for 5 minues at Sungai Lang. Altitude was about 7 degree and the skies were a bit cloudy.
      Alor Star’s Team have a negative sighting because the sky too cloudy.
      At our HQ, hilal was sighted with a clear view and naked eyes.
      Malaysia’s Government already stated in calendar 1st Rejab is 12 May 2013.
    2. Seen by others: Firdaus Mazlan (MCW member) from Johor Bahru, Malaysia reported: On Saturday, 11 May 2013 equal to 29 th Jumada-al-Thani 1434 H, it was very cloudy. So, I with my friend (Mr. Muhammad Nasir bin Othman, Mr. Muhammad Afiq Nuruddin bin Hamzah, and Mr. Mohd Razib bin Mohd Aris) cannot see the new moon either with telescope or with naked eye at Masjid Abu Bakar, Johor Bahru.
      However, the Hilal have been seen at other places ;
      Durian Tunggal, Melaka (02° 15′ N , 102° 15′ E) by Mr. Nor Mohd Uzair bin Norsahperi and friends, at 7.48 pm.
      UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor (01° 50′ N , 102° 56′ E) by Mr. Muhammad Zainal Abiden bin Mohamad Hani, at 7.40 pm until 8.04 pm.
      Kempas, Johor Bahru, Johor (01°28′ 00″ N , 103°46′ 00″ E) by Mr. Abdul Wafi bin Minhat and Mr. Mohd Syahidatul Naim bin Parmin, at 7.59 pm.
      Machap, Air Hitam, Johor (01° 55′ N , 103° 11′ E) by Mr. Buang bin Atan, Mr. Hadzlan bin Abd Aziz, Mr. Mohd Hazwan bin Mohd Hamidi, Mr. Rosman bin Abdul Rani, at 7.51 pm.
      Pontian Kechil Beach, Pontian, Johor (01° 29′ N , 103° 23′ E) by Mr. Mohd Fahmi bin Zakaria and Mr. Nik Mohd Ridzuan bin Nik Shaharuddin, at 7.58 pm until 8.05 pm.
      Bangi, Kuala Selangor, Selangor (03° 20′ N , 101° 15′ E) by Mr. Muhammad Saif bin Sadali and his wife, Mrs. Faizah bt Hj. Mohamad, at 7.50 pm.
      So, tomorrow, May 12, 2013 (Sunday) is the 1st Rajab 1434 H. However, our goverment have decided that tomorrow is 2nd Rajab 1434 H
  • Saudi Arabia:
    1. Seen: Luqmaan Williams (MCW member) from Ta’if reported: I spotted the crescent for Rajab on Saturday, May 11th in Ta’if, Saudi Arabia. Luqmaan Williams
  • South Africa:
    1. Seen: Rashid Motala (MCW member) from Durban reported: On the evening of Saturday 11th May 2013, the Hilaal was sighted in South Africa. The 1st Rajab 1434 corresponds to Sunday, 12th May 2013.
    2. Seen: Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim (MCW member) from Cape Town reported: The Rajab 1434 Hilaal was sighted per naked-eye in Cape Town this Saturday evening (11/5/2013). The first day of Rajab in Southern Africa will correspond with Sunday, 12 May 2013.11.05.
    3. Seen: Abe Parker (MCW member) from Cape Town reported: On May 11, Saturday, the sunset in capetown was 5:56 pm. The weather was clear with a thin reddish haze on horizon of about 5 degrees. At first I could sight the moon with binoculars only then at about 6:12 pm I sighted it with naked eyes at almost 10 degrees north of sunset azimuth and about 10 degrees above horozon. My wife layla also saw it. The crescent was was a thin slither left hand curved about 5 to 8 on the clock dial.


Only one hilal sighting was reported saying the crescent was sighted from the US on the evening before:

  • Seen: Dr. Youssef Ismail (MCW member) from San Francisco CA reported through Zaytuna Institute, California: Zaytuna Institute Crescentwatch has confirmed reliable reports of the new crescent moon (hilal) being sighted on Friday evening (May 10th) by reliable moon-sighters in California. This marks the end of the Islamic month of Jumada al-Thani and the beginning of the sacred month of Rajab, with its first day occuring on Saturday, May 11th.

 Rajab Mubarak!

Hope all muslims be blessed in this holy month of Rajab.


1. Seen: ICOP member Dr. Sani Mustapha from kaduna City in kaduna State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging


South Africa

1. Seen: ICOP member Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim from Cape Town City in Western Cape State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim said: "Rajab Hilaal easily seen by naked-eye from my home in the Zeekoevlei Nature Reserve. approximately 40 km east of Cape Town."



United Arab Emirates

1. Seen: ICOP member Eng. Mohammad Odeh from Abu Dhabi City in Abu Dhabi State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging

Eng. Mohammad Odeh said: "This is a daylight observation. The crescent was not seen by telescope, but it was seen by CCD imaging. The TOD was 0.341 and the AOD was 0.194. The first photo below is the crescent with 807 nm IR filter and 50 stacked frames. The second photo without any filter and with one single frame only, the only thing done on this photo is a slight contrast enhancement. The third photo without any filter and with 50 stacked frames."
Habib bin Hilal

Habib bin Hilal is Editor in Chief of this blog and manager of the website: Alhabib - Coloring with Islam.

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