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  • Download Islamic Calendar 2014 in PDF! (70,894)
    [alert]You may be looking for: Islamic Calendar 2023 in PDF.[/alert] Alhamdulillah, the islamic calendar corresponding the gregorian calendar of 2014 is now available for download as PDF at Alhabib Web Service. As usual, you can view the calendar online or… <a href="" class="more-link">Continue Reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>
  • The Life Span of Muslim Ummah is 1500 Years. Is it True? (46,758)
    Several people have expressed the same question regarding the life-span of Muslim Ummah. They wanted to know whether it is true that the muslim ummah will only reach 1500 years of age [based on islamic calendar?]. Below is an answer… <a href="" class="more-link">Continue Reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>
  • Islamic Calendar 2010 Available for Download (22,737)
    In about two months from now, the islamic hijri year of 1430 will come to an end. Some of you may have wondered what would be the corresponding christian dates for islamic events of the year 1431 AH (anno hegira, after… <a href="" class="more-link">Continue Reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>

menentukan arah kiblat

From Jerusalem to Mecca: The Fascinating Journey of the Qibla Direction in Islam

The qibla is the direction that Muslims face when they perform their daily prayers (salah). It is one of the…

1 year ago

Fenomena Matahari di Atas Ka’bah Tanggal 28 Mei 2022, Saatnya Cek Arah Kiblat

Ka'bah di kota Mekah, Arab Saudi adalah arah kiblat kaum muslimin di seluruh dunia. Setiap muslim wajib menghadapkan wajahnya ke…

3 years ago

Besok, Matahari di Atas Ka’bah di Bulan Ramadhan ini

Besok, tanggal 16 Juli 2014 pada saat tengah hari di kota Mekah (atau jam 16:27 WIB), matahari akan tepat berada…

11 years ago

Jam Kiblat

Jam Kiblat adalah jam atau waktu di saat mana matahari (atau bayangannya) bisa berada pada posisi atau menunjuk ke arah…

12 years ago

Jadwal Sholat dengan Jam Qiblat

Setelah menerbitkan halaman Imsakiyah Ramadhan beberapa waktu lalu, situs Layanan Web Alhabib bekerja menyempurnakan halaman jadwal shalat bulanan. Kini, dengan…

13 years ago

Hari Pencocokan Arah Kiblat: 27 Mei 2012

Kiblat adalah arah yang dituju ketika seorang muslim melakukan sholat. Kiblat kaum muslimin adalah Ka'bah yang berada di kota Mekah,…

13 years ago