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  • Download Islamic Calendar 2014 in PDF! (70,913)
    [alert]You may be looking for: Islamic Calendar 2023 in PDF.[/alert] Alhamdulillah, the islamic calendar corresponding the gregorian calendar of 2014 is now available for download as PDF at Alhabib Web Service. As usual, you can view the calendar online or… <a href="" class="more-link">Continue Reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>
  • The Life Span of Muslim Ummah is 1500 Years. Is it True? (46,786)
    Several people have expressed the same question regarding the life-span of Muslim Ummah. They wanted to know whether it is true that the muslim ummah will only reach 1500 years of age [based on islamic calendar?]. Below is an answer… <a href="" class="more-link">Continue Reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>
  • Islamic Calendar 2010 Available for Download (22,956)
    In about two months from now, the islamic hijri year of 1430 will come to an end. Some of you may have wondered what would be the corresponding christian dates for islamic events of the year 1431 AH (anno hegira, after… <a href="" class="more-link">Continue Reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>

Islamic Calendar Holidays Will Be Observed in New York Schools

Equality for Eids Coalition

In a decision by New York City Major, public schools will have 2 days off for the two Eids of muslims according to the dates in islamic calendar, Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. This move is very welcomed by muslims community as commented below:

“The NYC Muslim community looks forward to finally having the Eid holidays recognized in our public schools. It will be gratifying to know that Muslim children will soon no longer have to choose between honoring and celebrating their faith or missing class,” said New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations Executive Board Member Zead Ramadan in a press release Wednesday.

More media coverage:

NYC Schools to Get Islamic, Lunar Holidays Off (blog) – ‎Feb 5, 2014‎
I’ve said repeatedly —it will take time, it is complicated in terms of logistics of school calendar and budget, but it’s something I want to get done in a reasonable time frame,” he said Monday while on WNYC radio’s The Brian Lehrer Show. Muslim groups like theÂ

Muslim Public School Holidays Will Be Observed In New York City, Says Mayor

Huffington Post – ‎Feb 4, 2014‎
“It is complicated in terms of logistics and school calendar and budget. But it’s something I want to get done in a reasonable time frame,” he said, according to the New York Daily News. Though Muslims appreciate his efforts, another community is feelingÂ


Habib bin Hilal

Habib bin Hilal is Editor in Chief of this blog and manager of the website: Alhabib - Coloring with Islam.

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