When does the Month of Sha’ban 1441 AH (2020 AD) Start?

Crescent moon visibility map for Sha'ban 1441 AH (2020 AD) on the evening of Wednesday, 25 March 2020.

The islamic month of Sha’ban 1441 AH is marked by the geocentric moon conjunction on Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 09:28 UTC. On the evening of that Tuesday, the moon is already above the horizon in some places in the… Continue Reading

Saudi to Start 1 Dhul-Hijja 1440 AH on Friday, 2 August 2019

The Saudi Supreme Court has announced that based on various positive sighting of the new crescent moon from different location in the Kingdom, they decided that 1 Dhul-Hijja 1440 AH corresponds to Friday, 2 August 2019. Hence, the Wukuf in… Continue Reading