Crescent Moon Photos of 1 Rajab 1444 Hijri

Crescent moon photo of the the month of Rajab 1444 Hijri hanging above a building in Morocco.

The evening of Sunday, 22 January 2023 CE will be the day of moon sighting (rukyatul hilal or rukyet-e hilal) for some of us who keep the islamic calendar in harmony with the moon cycles. Hopefully, the moon will be… Continue Reading

When Does 1 Rajab 1444 Hijri Start?

Crescent moon visibility map for 1 Rajab 1444 AH on Sunday, 23 January 2023.

The month of Rajab is the seventh month in the islamic hijri calendar system. In the year 2023, 1 Rajab 1444 AH will be marked by the new moon (conjunction) on Saturday, 21 January 2023 at 20:53 UT. The first… Continue Reading

This AI-generated Poem about the Qur’an is So True

AI-generated digital art of a muslim woman reading the Quran.

The development of Artificial Intelligence or AI is advancing quickly and touches wider aspects of live. One of the AI product is ChatGPT form OpenAI project. The “chatBot” was trained with enormous amount of text data and capable of “understanding”… Continue Reading