The new moon for Dzul-Hijja 1437 AH (anno hegira, hijri year) or astronomical conjunction will be on Thursday, 1 September 2016, at 9:03 UTC. The crescent moon or hilaal would be difficult to be sighted on the evening on that Thursday any where in the world. The crescent should be sighted easily all over the world the next day. Therefore, 1 Dzul-Hijja 1437 AH starts on Saturday, 3 September 2016.
Crescent Moon Visibility Map for Dzul-Hijjah 1437
Dates of Hajj, Wuquf, and Eid-ul-Adha 2016
The hijri month of Dzul-Hijja is where the annual pilgrim to Makkah takes place. The official civil calendar for this islamic month of Hajj in Saudi Arabia, according to Umm-al-Qura Calendar, puts 1 Dzul-Hijjah 1437 one day earlier, on Friday, 2 September 2016. So, there is a chance that Saudi Arabia would have Dzul-Hijjah earlier the rest of the world.