Picture: Life is Not Guaranteed
Life is not guaranteed at all but death is absolutely guaranteed upon all, yet we still prepare for life more than death. [Mufti Ismail Menk] Post Views: 3,100
Life is not guaranteed at all but death is absolutely guaranteed upon all, yet we still prepare for life more than death. [Mufti Ismail Menk] Post Views: 3,100
Ahmad Ibn Hanbal said :“If You Desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the thing you love, be persistent in doing the things He Ta’ala loves†Yahya bin Mu`adh said: “How can I love this life? A sustenance is… Continue Reading
Life in this world, on the surface of earth, is, for muslims, but a short enjoyment, a quick stop for the next eternal life in the hereafter. Although short and very brief compared to the life after death, it is… Continue Reading
Alhamdulillaah, all praise be to Allah who teaches man what he does not know. Some of you have asked to update the islamic quotes collection from the last wisdom collection that was published long time ago. Alhamdulillaah, below is a… Continue Reading
Al-Hasan al-Basree, was born in Madinah, 642 CE and was, in fact, the son of Yasar, the slave of Zayd Ibn Thabet Al Ansari. His mother Ummul Hasan was a slave woman of Ummu Salamah, the wife of the Prophet… Continue Reading
All praise be to Allah. The recently released Daily Islamic Quote Widget has been so popular that until now, it hase been more than 1000 times installed. So as not to disappoint these many users, I have added more islamic… Continue Reading