Crescent Moon Photos of 1 Zulhijjah 1442 AH

Foto bulan sabit (hilal) 1 Dzulhijjah 1442 H yang terlihat oleh mata telanjang pada hari Sabtu, 10 Juli 2021 dari wilayah Santa Kruz, Kalifornia, AS (Youssef Ismail).

Below are a few photos  the crescent moon (hilaal) that marks the beginning of the islamic month of Zulhijjah 1442 AH. The crescent moon photos below were taken on the evening of Saturday, 10 July 2021. Therefore, based on global… Continue Reading

Photos: Crescent Moon of 1 Sha’ban 1442 AH (2021 CE)

Foto hilal 1 Sya'ban 1442 H terlihat secara kasat mata dari Perth, Australia pada petang hari Ahad, 14 Maret 2021.

Below are several photos of the first crescent moon (hilaal) of the islamic month of Sha’ban 1442 AH. Positive reports of sighting as well as photos of the crescent moon of 1 Sha’ban 1442 AH were received from Australia, on… Continue Reading

Crescent Moon Photos of Jumadal Akhirah 1442 AH

Foto hilal 1 Jumadal Akhirah 1442 H yang dipotret oleh Esmeralda Sosa dari Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentian pada petang hari Rabu, 13 Januari 2021 M (

As predicted from Crescent Moon Visibility Map for Jumadal Akhirah 1442 AH (see HilalMap above), on Wednesday evening, 13 January 2021, the very thin crescent moon was sighted from Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. Esmeralda Sosa took a picture of the… Continue Reading