The hijri month of Shawal 1441 AH will be marked by geocentric conjunction of moon on Friday, 22 May 2020 at 17:38 UTC. In the evening of this Friday, the moon will not be sigthable for most part of the world because it will either already set before sunset or too low in the horizon to be visible. The crescent moon visibility map for Shawwal 1441 AH below indicates this fact.

Crescent visibility map for Shawal 1441 AH on Friday, 22 May 2020. Most part of the world will not be able to sight the crescent moon (hilal).
The crescent moon (hilal) of Shawal 1441 AH will be visible in the next evening of Saturday, 23 May 2020 AD. Except for Australia, New Zealand, some european countries and Japan, most countries will be able to see the crescent moon of 1 Shawal 1441 AH on this evening by naked eye. The crescent moon visibility map below indicates this observation.

Crescent visibility map for Shawal 1441 AH on Saturday, 23 May 2020. Most part of the world will be able to sight the crescent moon (hilal).
Therefore, based on global moon sighting probability, 1 Shawal 1441 AH will begin on Sunday, 24 May 2020 AD. See also: Crescent moon photos of past hijri months.
We wish you all, our muslim brothers and sisters, a very blessed Eid ul Fitr.