The crescent moon (hilaal) of Safar 1437 AH have been sighted and photographed in many places around the world on the evening of Thursday, 12 November 2015. Therefore, 1 Safar 1437 AH starts on Friday, 13 November 2015, globally.
The observations were consistent with the predicted sightings as calculated from the crescent moon visibility map below:

Crescent moon visibility map for Safar 1437 AH on the evening of Thursday, 12 November 2015. The regions shaded with green and yellow could see the crescent moon quite readily weather permits.
Below are several photographs of the crescent moons that marked the beginning of Safar 1437 in the hijri, islamic calendar.

This is a photo of the crescent moon of Safar 1437 AH as from United States. The sighting was on Thursday, 12 November 2015 and the moon was visible by naked eyes.

This is a photo of the crescent moon of Safar 1437 AH as seen from a telescope from France. The sighting was on Thursday, 12 November 2015.

In Iran, the crescent moon of Safar 1437 AH was sighted using binoculars on the evening of Thursday, 12 November 2015.
Apart form the photos above, naked-eye sightings of the hilaal of Safar 1437 AH were also reported from Hungary, and Oman.