Photos: Crescent Moons for Rajab 1436 AH Were Sighted on 19 April 2015

As predicted from the crescent visibility map for 19 April 2015, the Rajab 1436 AH hilal was sighted all over the world on the evening of that Sunday. Therefore, 1 Rajab 1436 AH would begin on 20 April 2015.

Below is the map of the crescent moon visibility and the reported photos of the hilal from several places.

Crescent Visibility Map Rajab 1436 AH

Crescent moon visibility map for Rajab 1436 AH as calculated for evening of Sunday, 19 April 2015. Indonesia and surrounding countries would have the chances of first sightings.

Crescent moon visibility map for Rajab 1436 AH as calculated for evening of Sunday, 19 April 2015. Indonesia and surrounding countries would have the chances of first sightings.

Photos of Crescent Moon for Beginning of Rajab 1436 AH


Crescent moon of Rajab 1436 AH seen from Alberta, USA. By Abdul Rauf.


Crescent moon of Rajab 1436 AH seen from Irvine, USA. By Mirza Shahid Basravi.


Very thin crescent moon of Rajab 1436 AH seen from Brunei Darussalam. By Ali Ahmad.

Crescent moon of Rajab 1436 AH seen from Bayone, France. By OLMF


Crescent moon of Rajab 1436 AH seen from Munich, Germany. By Martin Elsaesser.


Crescent moon of Rajab 1436 AH seen from Pekanbaru, Indonesia. By Ma’rufin Sudibyo.


Crescent moon of Rajab 1436 AH seen from Iran.


Habib bin Hilal

Habib bin Hilal is Editor in Chief of this blog and manager of the website: Alhabib - Coloring with Islam.

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