The crescent moons of Sha’ban 1436 AH were sighted from various places in Indonesia on this evening, Tuesday, 19 May 2015. There were also positive sightings from Australia and New Zealand. Therefore, 1 Sha’ban 1436 AH begins on Wednesday, 20 May 2015, based on hilal sighting.
No positive sightings were reported from the previous evening. Even from the American continent where visibility map showed a possibility to sight the crescent moon of Sha’ban 1436 AH on the evening of Monday, 18 May 2015.
Photos of Crescent Moon for Sha’ban 1436 AH

Juan de Marco captured this hilal image of Sha’ban 1436 AH from Blitar, Indonesia on Tuesday, 19 May 2015.

Mutoha Arkanudin captured this hilal image of Sha’ban 1436 AH from Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Tuesday, 19 May 2015.