Alhamdulillah, as many muslims celebrate the end of fasting month – Eid-ul-Fitr – this year on Monday, 27 July 2014, we have collected information on sighting reports and photos of the hilal for Shawwal 1435 AH. As predicted by the visibility map below, the new crescent moon can easily be sighted on Sunday evening from South America and the Polynesian island in the Pacific Ocean. Several independent groups have reported naked-eye sighting of the hilal from Chile and French Polynesia.
Crescent Visibility Map for Shawwal 1435 H
The map shows predicted visibility of the crescent moon on the evening of Sunday, 27 July 2014. The hilal could easily be seen from South America and French Polynesia in the Pacific.
Photos of Crescent Moon for Shawwal 1435 AH seen Sunday, 27 July 2014
Here are several photos of the crescent moon – hilal – seen from French Polynesia and Amman, Jordan:

Eric Gauducheau took this photograph as requested by Makkah Calendar on the evening of 27 July 2014. The crescent was easily seen on the clear horizon of the Polynesia island.

Other hilal photo taken on the French polynesian island. This is by Santallo Roland on July 27th, 2014.

This is an CCD image of the crescent for Shawwal 1435 AH published by Muhammad Odeh of ICOP. It was a result of daylight observation before the sun set in Amman, Jordan on Sunday, 27 July 2014. Please note, this crescent was not visible by naked-eye or telescope on that day.
Photos of Crescent Moon for Shawwal 1435 AH seen Monday, 28 July 2014
While there were several “claimed-sightings” of the shawwal’s crescent in Indonesia on the Sunday evening, there was no visual or photographic evidence presented. Below is the crescent that was visible with naked eye on Monday, 28 July 2014 from Indonesia. This observation is more likely the “real hilal” for Indonesia and is astronomically sound as indicated by the impossibility of sighting on Sunday in the map above.

Mr. Mutoha Arkanudin took a photograph of the crescent moon for Shawwal 1435 Ah in the evening of Monday, 28 Juli 2014 from Java, Indonesia.