As the islamic year 1431 AH coming to an end and the year 2010 also at its last months, it is time to look forward and see how the islamic calendar looks in 2011.
Alhabib has released its own islamic calendar 2011 both as web page and PDF ready to download. The calendar is available in two versions: Ummul Qura and Global Sighting Possibility.
Below is a collection of similar calendar for 2011 that you can download, view and print at your comfort. The calendars have various format and styles and may only be suitable for specific countries.
- 2011 Calendar with Islamic Dates and Javanese (Indonesian, with moon and sun info as well as Javanese dates)
- 2011 Christian & Islamic Calendar (Indonesian, download also available as editable Corel Draw and Illustrator format,
- Islamic Calendar 2011 – Singapore (Big, readable monthly calendars in separate pages, Majlis Ulama Singapura)
- Saudi Aramco World 2011 Calendar (Professionally designed, based on Ummul Qura Calendar of Saudi Arabia, beautiful)
- And do not forget Alhabib Islamic Calendar 2011 (Ummul Qura and Global Sighting Possibility)
Hope that is useful…
merci beacoup
May Allah bless you
Islamic Calendar 1432 for Makkah based on predicted moon visibility is available at
contact them on incase you need more details.
terima kasih, insya Allah buat pedoman dan peningkatan keimanan dan keislaman.
plze send me a islamic celender pllllllllzzzzzzzzz
i cant download it
which one, i tried, i can open them. You can also try, right click on the calendar links, and then click the save target as (or similar menu).
thank you iam gousi
Thank you, I am Kenyan I found the Islamic calendar in English. Be blessed.
Oh! Brother! I have got it. I have downloaded the "Saudi Aramco World 2011 Calendar" and found it in english. Thanks!!
Thanks Brother! I am Bangladehi people so I don't know Indonesian language! would you like to tell me which one of this calenders are written in english?…