Salam welcome message ticker

This is the first attempt to make a serie of animated, islamic message ticker. It will display alternating messages of your choice alongside the arabic script of muslim’s greeting (salam) : Assalamu’alikum.

The widget dimension is rather long horizontally. Therefore it is suitable for the header of your website or blog. You can display two messages with custom colors. These two messages will be shown with subtle slideshow-style effects. Alternatively you can split your one message into two phrases.

The frame is an ornament style which is commonly used in islamic manuscripts or architectural elements. As with the salam words, the frame is also customizable in color.

You can find the Salam Message Ticker Widget here.

Hope you find it useful.

Habib bin Hilal

Habib bin Hilal is Editor in Chief of this blog and manager of the website: Alhabib - Coloring with Islam.