When Will Islamic Month of Rajab 1441 AH (2020 AD) Start?

Crescent moon visibility map for Rajab 1441 AH on Monday, 24 Feb 2020.

The islamic month of Rajab 1441 AH, the seventh month in the islamic calendar (hijri calendar), will be marked by moon’s geocentric conjunction on Sunday, 23 February 2020 AD at 15:32 UTC. However, at the evening of this day, no… Continue Reading

Saudi Arabia Declared New Crescent “Sighted” – But Is This Scientifically Possible?

The declaration of the start of 1 Dhul-Hijjah 1439 AH by Saudi Arabia stirred some controversies around muslim world. In its announcement, the Supreme Judicial Council of Saudi Arabia said that new crescent moon (hilaal) was sighted on the evening… Continue Reading