Official 1st Day of Ramadhan 1434

Official 1st Day of Ramadan in Different Countries

Tuesday, 9 July 2013:

  1. Bosnia and Hercegovina (Follow Turkey)
  2. China (Following
  3. Cosovo (Follow Turkey)
  4. Croatia (Follow Turkey)
  5. France (UOIF – Union des Organizations Islamiques de France [Union of the Islamic Organizations of France])
  6. Luxembourg – European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR)
  7. Macedonia (Follow Turkey)
  8. Maldives (30 days completion – Official announcement from Ministry of Islamic Affairs)
  9. Montenegro (Follow Turkey)
  10. Russia (Official Announcement – Calculations)
  11. Serbia (Follow Turkey)
  12. Slovenia (Follow Turkey)
  13. Tunisia – Criteria of age, or altitude, or sunset-moonset lag
  14. Turkey – Altitude > 5°, elongation > 8°
  15. USA – Fiqh Council of North America/Islamic Society of North America. The criteria are Moon must be born before Sunset in Makkah, and moonset after sunset in Makkah.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013:

  1. Afghanistan (Follow Saudi)
  2. Albania (Follow Saudi)
  3. Algeria (Follow Saudi)
  4. Armenia (Follow Saudi)
  5. Austria (Follow Saudi)
  6. Azerbaijan (Follow Saudi)
  7. Bahrian (Follow Saudi)
  8. Bangladesh (Some areas follow Saudi)
  9. Belgium (Follow Saudi)
  10. Bolivia (Follow Saudi)
  11. Bulgaria (Follow Saudi)
  12. Chechnia (Follow Saudi)
  13. China (Some groups – 30 days completion)
  14. Denmark (Follow Saudi)
  15. Egypt – Moon Born before sunset & moon sets at least 5 minutes after sunset
  16. Finland (Follow Saudi)
  17. France (CFCM – Conseil Français du Culte Musulman or French Council of Muslims)
  18. Georgia (Follow Saudi)
  19. Hungary (Follow Saudi)
  20. Iceland (Follow Saudi)
  21. Indonesia (30 days completion – Official Announcement)
  22. Iraq (Follow Saudi)
  23. Ireland (Follow Saudi)
  24. Italy (Follow Saudi)
  25. Jordan (Follow Saudi)
  26. Kazakhstan (Follow Saudi)
  27. Kuwait (Follow Saudi)
  28. Kyrgizstan (Follow Saudi)
  29. Lebanon (Follow Saudi)
  30. Luxembourg (Follow Saudi)
  31. Madagascer (Local Sighting)
  32. Malaysia (30 days completion – Official Announcement)
  33. Mauritania (Follow Saudi)
  34. Mauritius (Local Sighting)
  35. Montenegro (Follow Saudi)
  36. Morocco (30 days completion)
  37. Netherlands (Follow Saudi)
  38. Norway (Follow Saudi)
  39. Palestine (Follow Saudi)
  40. Philippines (Follow Saudi)
  41. Poland (Calculation)
  42. Qatar (Follow Saudi)
  43. Romania (Follow Saudi)
  44. Russia (Follow Saudi)
  45. Saudi Arabia (30 days completion – Official Announcement)
  46. South Africa (30 days completion)
  47. Spain (Follow Saudi)
  48. Sri Lanka (Local Sighting)
  49. Sudan (Follow Saudi)
  50. Sweden (Follow Saudi)
  51. Switzerland (Follow Saudi)
  52. Syria (Follow Saudi)
  53. Taiwan (Follow Saudi)
  54. Tajikistan (Follow Saudi)
  55. Tanzania (Local sighting)
  56. Tatarstan (Follow Saudi)
  57. Turkmenistan (Follow Saudi)
  58. U.A.E. (Follow Saudi)
  59. UK (Follow Saudi) [Coordination Committee of Major Islamic Centres and Mosques of London]
  60. UK (30 days completion) [Wifaaqul ulama), (Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat], OR (Sighting from countries east of UK)
  61. Uzbekistan (Follow Saudi)
  62. Yemen (Follow Saudi)
  63. Zimbabwe (30 days completion)

Thursday, 11 July 2013:

  1. Fiji Islands (Local Sighting)
  2. India (30 days completion)
  3. New Zealand (30 days completion)
  4. Pakistan (Local Sighting)



Habib bin Hilal

Habib bin Hilal is Editor in Chief of this blog and manager of the website: Alhabib - Coloring with Islam.

One Comment

  1. this blog’s statement : 32 Malaysia (30 days completion – Official Announcement) has different with Malaysian’s ref. that is only 29 days completion. Why is the different information was occurred here?

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