It is that time again this year, when many muslims will ask: “when is 1 Ramadan 1442 AH (2021)?”. Some of us will look at the calendar and most of them states that 1 Ramadan 1442 AH corresponds to Tuesday, 13 April 2021. The global islamic calendar based on predicted crescent moon visibility also list 1 Ramadan 1442 to start on Tuesday, 13 April 2021. But for those who adhere to traditional views and practice of physical moon sighting, the case is not decided yet. It will depend on the sighting of the thin crescent moon of 1 Ramadan on the evening of Monday, 12 April 2021. If the hilal or crescent moon is not sighted that evening, then the month of Sha’ban will be completed into 30 days and 1 Ramadan 1442 AH will start on Wednesday, 14 April 2021.
Crescent Moon Visibility for Ramadan 1442 AH (2021)
Below is a map depicting the calculated visibility of the crescent moon of Ramadan 1442 AH on the evenings of Monday and Tuesday. As we can see, on Monday evening, the chance to see the crescent moon is greater in the west part of USA. We would not expect naked eye sighting of the crescent moon of Ramadan from countries east of the USA.

Crescent moon visibility for Ramadan 1442 AH on the evening of Monday, 12 April 2021. Only those in the american continent will have a chance to see the hilal by naked eye.
In the next day, however, the crescent moon will be easily visible for most part of the world.