[alert type=”warning”]BREAKING NEWS
Updated: 23 August 2017 03:30
Official: Saudi’s Supreme Court has announced that Wednesday, 23 August 2017 is the start of Dhul-Hijja 1438 AH. Thus, Wukuf in Arafah for the pilgrims (Hajj Gathering) will be on Thursday, 31 August 2017 and Eid-ul-Adha will be on Friday, 1 September 2017.
Below is the quoted news from Saudi Press Agency:
The Supreme Court, which earlier called on the public to view Dhul-Hijjah crescent at Tuesday’s sunset, announced in a statement here tonight that, according to many adult witnesses, who made their testimonies to their perspective regional courts, it was verified that tomorrow Wednesday is the first of the month of Dhul-Hijjah according to the Calendar of Umm Al-Qura.
Accordingly, the attendance at the Mount of Arafat, the peak and main pillar of Hajj ritual, falls on Thursday the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah corresponding to the 31st of August 2017 and that Eid Al-Adh-ha will fall the next day following Arafat Day corresponding the 1st of September 2017.
The Supreme court wishes all pilgrims, successful and comfortable Hajj and non-pilgrim Muslims all over the world accepted deeds.
Previous update:
Saudi’s Supreme Court announced that no reports of hilaal (crescent moon) sightings were received on Monday evening, 21 August 2017 (or 29 Dhul-Qada 1438 AH according to Ummul Qura calendar). Therefore, in Saudi Arabia, Tuesday is the end of the month of Dhul-Qada and 1 Dhul-Hijja 1438 falls on Wednesday, 23 August 2017.
The Supreme Court will still held a session on Tuesday evening to decide the official date. However, because the length of islamic month is only 29 or 30 days, and Tuesday is already the 30th day of Dhul-Qada then Wednesday should be the start of Dhul-Hijja 1438 AH.
Quoted news from SPA is following:
Riyadh, Dhu-AlQa’dah 29, 1438, Aug 21, 2017, SPA —
The Supreme Court, which earlier called on the public to view Dhul-Hijjah crescent at Monday sunset, announced in a statement here tonight that nobody reported as of the evening of this Monday, the 29th of the month of Dhul-Qa’dah 1438 H., sight-seeing the crescent of the month of Dhul-Hijjah 1438 H., according to the Calendar of Umm Al-Qura.
Accordingly, the court will hold a session on Tuesday evening, and issue its decision according to the testimonies of witnesses, if any, on the advent of the crescent, as customary, the statement added.
Every time the islamic month of Dhul-Hijja comes, many muslims looking for news from Saudi Arabia about the day of Hajj (Eid ul Adha), Wukuf, as well as the 1st Dzulhijja. Saudi Arabia uses crescent moon (hilaal) sighting to decide the starts of Ramadan, Shawwal and Dhul-Hijja. The Saudi’s Supreme Court will then announce the decision on at which day the 1st Dhul-Hijja falls. The news is published on the state’s Saudi Press Agency (SPA) website.
So, if you are looking for the correct news about when 1 Dhul-Hijja 1438 AH starts, or when is the day of Arafah 2017 or Eid ul Adha 1438 (2017), then it is better to consult the website. It has english section too.
Today, Monday, 21 August 2017, the Saudi Supreme Court calls people to sight the crescent moon of Dhul-Hijja 1438 AH. Below is the excerpt of the annoucement:
The Supreme Court has called on all Muslims throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to sight the crescent of Dhu Al-Hijjah month, 1438 AH, on Monday evening, 29th Dhu-AlQa’dah.
The Supreme Court called in its announcement whoever sees the crescent of the month of Dhu Al-Hijjah by naked eyes or binoculars to report to the nearest court and register his testimony, or report to the nearest center to facilitate his arrival at a court.
[see SPA]
When 1 Dhul-Hijja 1438 AH (2017) Starts?
Then, how is the chance of seeing the crescent moon on Monday evening, 21 August 2017 in Saudi Arabia?

The crescent moon visibility map for Dhul-Hijja 1438 AH on Monday, 21 August 2017. The shaded area indicates that the moon will already set before the sunset that evening, thus will not be visible after maghrib time.
Based on astronomical calculations, the moon will set before sunset on that day (see map above). Therefore, there should be no chance of seeing any crescent moon (hilaal) in Saudi Arabia on Monday evening after sunset (maghrib). As a results, the following Tuesday will be the last day of Dhul-Qaida and 1 Dhul-Hijja 1438 AH should start on Wednesday, 23 August 2017.
However, for the official date of 1 Dhul-Hijja 1438, we will update this with announcement from from SPA website.
Hoaxes around Saudi’s Decision on Dhul-Hijja 1438 AH (2017)
Below is a couple of examples of “unverified messages” or hoaxes relating Saudi’s Decision on Eid ul Adha as well as Wukuf in Arafah:
Saudi Arabia declared that Wednesday 23/8/2017 will be the first day of Dhul- Hijjah.
Dear beloved Brothers and Sisters, there are best days in this world?
The Ten days of Dhul Haj. They are almost here
Starting from 23rd August. In Sha Allah.Pls plan for those 10 days.
[… *truncated*]
So Arafa day is on Thursday 31/8/2017
Friday 1/ 9/2017 is the day of Eid Ul-Adha(ileya) Insha’Allah.May Allah accept our dua’u, accept our good deeds, forgive our transgressions, Protect all Islamic Countries and ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe!! Ameen
Another widely circulated message is the following:
Breaking News – Arafat & Eid
Saudi Arabia announces the date of Eid al-Adha. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced that Wednesday 23rd August is the first of Dhu’l-Hijjah, and that Arafah will be held on Friday, 1st of the same month, so Saturday 2nd September will be the first day of Eid al-Adha.
If you received such messages, please verify first using authorised source.