Islamic Calendar for 2017 CE Available for Download

As the year 2017 closes in, Alhabib Web Service has prepared Islamic (Hijri) Calendar for the coming year. The calendar covers the years 1438 – 1439 AH in the islamic era. As before, we have put up important dates for muslims along side the islamic calendar. The beginnings of each islamic month are highlighted as well as events for celebration, prayers and special ‘ibadah (services) like saum (sunnah, non-obligatory fasting dates).

Please head to Islamic Calendar website to get the calendars that are available both in PDF format for download and HTML for online viewing. There are two versions, one based on the Ummul Qura, Saudi Arabia and one based on calculated, possible sightings of the crescent moon globally.

Hope they are useful for brothers and sisters in Islam.

Habib bin Hilal

Habib bin Hilal is Editor in Chief of this blog and manager of the website: Alhabib - Coloring with Islam.

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